Sis went to Sarawak to further her study,taking medical course.She went dey on last Friday by Air Asia-1hour30minutes-fly(tho i don think its det on-time,anything can happen in Msia,u kno).And im missing her,lot.She is oways a great sis to me,who kno me e most,who tok wif me e most in e family,who oways dey wif me when im in trouble.And i love her lot,so do her.hope she is doing well dey,n can adapt to e new environment well.
Michael Jackson,King of Pop of all time passed away.He may be a freak,a weird ppl,but he is oways one of e greatest singer & dancer.He is e first black-man who were able to get in to e mainstream of music industry,and first black-man who made e MV of black ppl to be able to show on channel MTV.I love his music,his dancing.No ppl can forget his music.n his moonwalk,e way he stand on his toes,e way he lean his body forward.Its a great loss,to e world,n to everyone who love his music.Hail to Michael Jackson.

Hmm im reali addicted on House M.D n am watching season four of it now wif e rate of at least 3episodes a day.N tell me pls where can i find e dvd of Before Sunset & Before desperate for it.
Ow ow n i kena PLKN,wad the hell..Hate the word Tahniah on e replied msg,n e Selamat Maju Jaya on e website.damn unlucky.
Got to go for dinner.byebye.
Music playing: Patience-Guns N' Roses
im only human.
still not fine,still fragile,as always.
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