Saturday, September 26, 2009


Need endorphin.

Catalyst to something,inhibitor to something.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I've been watching House season 5 a lot lately,again.And I've been thinking a lot lately,again,which most ppl would acknowledge it as : aiya u think too much and stuff.

When do you get confused over which step is the best step?When do you get sick of deciding which word to say or which reaction to give so that you wont offend other ppl?When do you get tired to try to put your life back to a normal route and keep moving instead of just turning around a circle about a fixed point?When do you get sick of asking when you feel like jus answering?

I guess its when you'd wake up at the middle of the night and wondering how tomorrow could be and who you're gonna be.And then u throw yourself back into sleep to avoid the endless hole in your heart before it haunt you and make your night sleepless.

Its a random post,and well,I think too much.

Saturday, September 12, 2009



