okay so many things happened in dis few days.will jus list out.
1.frog!okay we disect frog.den teacher say for knowledge its okay det we kil e frog n take everything out(organ) from its body!(dosa tau..).too bad i don hav e photo here.can view tan's blog for e photo though he is nt same group wif me.lol.bt all e frog is almost e same la except det tan's group frog is female bt too bad i cant find e male reproductive organ(lol im trying to don use foul language?) of my group male frog.den e heart of frog stil beating act after his body is disect n some of its organ has been cut off.bt my sis told me det act e frog died when e choroform is applied on it.okay hope so.so det it wont suffer so much.
2.julia's bday!its awesome.n owww man julia ur house is jus toooo big.okay dets lotsa food dey.den karaoke time!lol e mv is nt for child man.n haha i keep gay-ing wif gid n he co-operate so much in dis gay-ing thing lol.den we plyed game,water ball n whacko,too bad i don kno hav to bring a shirt so i din ply waterball.den whacko is fun,n wtf y u all ask me to do e pole dance...den ply mafia(julia n jasmine get doctor card bt dey din save anybody lol)n i get detective card bt i din arrest anybody too.=.= for photo can view suanli's blog.gid blog as well.
tooooo bad la i don hav photo.cos i don hav my own camera den i think betta don lend my parent's wan or else dey keep nagging.bla bla bla.
hope u wont slp when read dis photoless blog.